The King's Academy Service Projects

Willow Glen Bible Church


All done!

Hello everyone, 

Our service trip was a success, we managed to complete all of the necessities for the church with time to spare. Below are the testimonies recieved from students about the trip. I encouraged more students to email us their experiences so we can share them here. Have a great Easter Break!


"It was awesome to see our group come together over the course of the four days and the visible difference we made to the church. I am grateful to God for giving me this opportunity to refocus on Him."

"I think in general working in a large group like this was way more fun than working alone like I usually do. For every task we were given we finished much faster than I expected us to, it really makes me impressed and proud of everyone here. I tried my best to go around and help out wherever I could but at some points there just wasn’t anything that needed to be done because we did most of the work on the first day. All around an enjoyable experience, I’m glad I was able to help by putting in work where I could."

"Overall our service trip has been very successful and productive, and our team has gotten a lot done. I'm so glad that we got to serve and transform this church and make a difference for everyone who attends. I'm especially grateful to Mr. Prado who has encouraged and led our group, and even offered to buy lunch for us one day. This week has been really fun experience."

"Though this trip was not far, I do think that it was effective in bringing out a sense of service that is memorable! The church was serene and a great place to help out the Christian community in San Jose. I am thankful for the opportunities to befriend students in different grades that I would not be friends with otherwise.  I think that the church brought an immense feeling of peace that allowed for some inner reflection of my relationship with God. I also had some of the best naps during lunch time!"

"I enjoyed getting to know new people and making new memories."

“I loved getting to gain relationships with people that I never thought I would have with before. I’m excited that we helped make the environment of the church better for the members that go here.”



Three days in and almost done!

Hello everyone,

These past three days have been full of amazing teamwork and positivity, it has been a great blessing to serve Willow Glen Bible Church. Many thanks go out to them for allowing us the opportunity to practice servitude. In addition, the work that has been accomplished by the students at The Kings Academy has been exceptional.

We have managed to fulfill most of the needs at Willow Glen Bible Church early, so tomorrow will be a lighter day. We are almost done!

One of the many moments worth mentioning is seeing the smiles of the Churches attendees as our students renewed the spaces of the church and lifted their spirits with their hard work.

This is the power of personal sacrifice and joyful collaboration.

Stay tuned to view some of the photos from this week as well as personal highlights from the students and leadership.



Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to our service trip blog, where we will share the wonderful experiences that are sure to take place from openning up our hearts to servitude.

To those attending, we are excited to see you all this Monday. 

Have a blessed weekend!